Wednesday, 17 November 2021

back to school in lockdown!!!!!!!!

hi guys its me mona and today i am in room 15 for school and my teacher is mr presnal we just munched on some yummy lunch did some fitness and named are class room 15 bubbels my brother wanted it to be called poped bubbles it was soooo funny my favorite thing being back is well evreything like math jump jam sports games and school i cant weight to come back next week hope you haveing fun to😁😁😁😁😁😁

Thursday, 21 October 2021

what i have been doing in level 3 !!!!!!!!!!!

so in the holidays me my dad and my sister and brother go to the car park next store i cant rmember what the name was but somtimes we whould go there and go on are roller skates we got to pars of roller skates 1 is for me and the 2 is my sisters my brother usually wheres mine and i where his roller blades roller blades are fun evreytime i put them on its like my dog is on a top secret mission to trip me over because he always bites my roller blades when i am still moving and sometimes he stands infront of me and i cant stop and when my dog gets bored my dad takes him for a walk around the hole thing i hope you had a goo lockdown by stay safe

Friday, 1 October 2021

what i have been up to

hi everybody and if you are wondering what i have been doing well i have been going for lots of fun walks but dont worry i was keeping my distance and if you are wondering why i have been going for walks well my dog loves them and if i dont take him for a walk well then he will just sit next to the door untill we open it my grandma got sick so she went to hospital for a week!!! but she is back so i am happy on school days i try to get on google meets but i always forget and somtimes i wake up late and i hope some of you guys had a better week then i did by. 😎😎😎

Thursday, 26 August 2021

what i have been doing in lockdown

yeah so hello i did not do much in lockdown well because its lockdown so yesterday i went to a tennis court i dont really now where it was but i saw lots of people from my school owairaka and over there right next to the tennis court there was a play ground and ther was one off thoses big poles that are liked shaped into like other shapes and it gots rope in the middel that you can climb and on it i almost did a backflip but then when i was almost down my dad pulled me down and i got so mad!!!! so yeah thats what i did.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

what i did in the holidays

in the holidays me and my family went to the movies and we watched space jam the new legecy it was cool my dad said the first but belive him because i have never seen the first one so yeah and a few days later i went to my mums house and there we made cokies and my sister whould help make what eat evrey morning and that is bacecly what i did what did you do in the holidays probley somthing super fun.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

in between

In between of ranginui father and papatuanuku mother. in between it was hot and cramped and was starting to get squashed me and all my brothers were sitting all the time. My brother's name was hawmia tu tangaroa tawhirimatea rongo and I tane all the time I had to hold my dad's tummy up. And soon we all got tired so we all came up with a plan to take them apart when i was about to say something tu burst out and said let's kill them no you can do anything just dont hurt them said tawhirimatea. rongo and haumia agreed then i said yeah tu lets not do that but huh i got an idea why don't we push them apart yeah yeah yeah uh i think my idea could of worked said tu ok just don't hurt them said tawhirimatea first tried the mighty tu how went first well tawhirimatea was crying in the crener so my brother tu heaved a pushed but could not do it as i looked at him after sweat was dripping of him like a hole ocean. then it was tangaroa turn whit his mighty tail he pushed as hard as he could but could not do it then it was my turn ahhhhhhh i could not do it then i had an idea i lied down put my feet up and pushed my dad right in to the sky the end.

Monday, 5 July 2021

my thoughts in holidays and term 2

 Word Holidays Stock Illustrations – 10,766 Word Holidays Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

hey guy so what are thinking about ao holidays im going to go to owairaka park and play with my puppy so what about you if you dont know what i mean well its the last week so yeah i hope you like this blog post coment down below if you do and abou term 2 what will you do bye.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

My buddy class

Hey guys yesterday we mad kits it was so fun are Buddy class was the amazing room 20. I think my group could have not added to much decoration because it turns out we have to do the same to the back. We got some sticks and made it into a triangel then we got some string and tied it here are some photos.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Friday, 25 June 2021

my giveaway

Friday, 18 June 2021

the production

hi guys if you do not now we had a cool production and mr g was working on the computer so thank you for that and yeah here are some photos

Friday, 11 June 2021

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

school play


if you dont know whats going on it is the school play here are the costumes

Monday, 31 May 2021

What whould you do in the snow

hey guys what whould you do in the snow

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Friday, 21 May 2021

being kind

 Hi guys I learned somthing very inportant today and that is being kind. Ms Fletcher came and showed my class a book called Kind.  Happy pink day everyone, don't forget to be kind because if you are kind we can make a better world.

PINK SHIRT DAY 2018! — Hawkstone Physical Therapy

Thursday, 20 May 2021



hey guys i just made this with have a look

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Hey guys its me ramona and today i did this with fill

                 ok heres the thing i dint realy know what i was doing if you know what ichould right in the                            boxes  just tell me and i will fix it

Friday, 7 May 2021

Im back!!!!!!!

                                               hey guys nice to see you all again thankyou for all the 

                                               comments in some off them you said if i can make somemore slides like the                                                     the why we dot fight slide 

                                               so me and my brother are going to make somemore for you to read bye


Sunday, 11 April 2021

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Hey guy's today i am going to show you what i did yesterday at night

ok so last night i went to church and this is my lovely nana
and this is me out side
and here is the kitchen and the living room
gOPPZps-KkO0j1fzAkACLcBGAsYHQ/s1087/Screenshot%2B2021-04-10%2Bat%2B9.38.15%2BAM.png" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; ">
and this is me and my brother eating

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Hey guys today i am going to show you what i have done today

so we were doing smart passwords with phill so we had to roll a dice
and then find the number
and then repet it to get three words to put together the password that i got was /smash/green/bencH/?.😁 and yeah thats the password that i got tell me in the coments what password you got bye.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Hi it is me ramona and today im am showing you how you should hold your chromebook

 hold it with 2 hands here is me showing you how it is done 

Hey guys this is me doing math at the worst time!!!

If you haven't noticed i am doing math at blogging time the 1 time that i can post.                                            my teacher did not tell me to because i was just finshing off from yesterday bye.😁

Hi my name is ramona and today i am going to be showing 5 interesting about lions

 Like did you know that lions are the only cats that live in groups and a group can be up to 30 lions depending on how much food and water is available and female lions are the main hunters and a lions roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away and lions scent there territory using their wee to create a border.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Hi my name is Ramona and today i am going to be showing facts about tigers

 Like did you know that tigers are the largest cat species in the world reaching up to 3.3 meters in length and weighing up to 670 pounds and tigers live between 20-26 years in the wild and adult tigers generally live alone and unlike most other cats, tigers are great swimmers and actually like water.

Hi my name is Ramona and today i am going to be showing facts about Jaguars

 Like did you know they have a mighty name the word Jaguar means he how kills with one leap and did you know that their territory is shirnking and did you know they've spotty spots and allso Jaguars are excellent swimmers  and they allmost eat anythig.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

 Hi it is me Ramona i am going to show you intresting facts about tornadose like did you know that a tornado is violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the grownd. and the average tornadose travels 3.5 miles and can last from 10 seconds to more than an hour.

Friday, 12 March 2021

facts about polar bears

 Hi my name is Ramona and today i am going to show you facts about polar bears like a did you know that polar bears are actually black not white Less than 2% of polar bear hunts are successful Scientists can extract polar bear DNA  from just their footprints They face more threats than climate change Grizzly.                polar bear hybrids exis


things about penguins

 My name is Ramona and today i am going to show you interesting facts about penguins like did you know that a group of penguins in water is called a raft but on land a group of penguins is called a waddle.           And did you know that penguins evolved to fly underwater then on land.                                                         And did you know that on a contrary to many popular holiday cartoons you'll never see penguins and polar bears together.

Monday, 8 February 2021


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.