Wednesday, 7 July 2021

in between

In between of ranginui father and papatuanuku mother. in between it was hot and cramped and was starting to get squashed me and all my brothers were sitting all the time. My brother's name was hawmia tu tangaroa tawhirimatea rongo and I tane all the time I had to hold my dad's tummy up. And soon we all got tired so we all came up with a plan to take them apart when i was about to say something tu burst out and said let's kill them no you can do anything just dont hurt them said tawhirimatea. rongo and haumia agreed then i said yeah tu lets not do that but huh i got an idea why don't we push them apart yeah yeah yeah uh i think my idea could of worked said tu ok just don't hurt them said tawhirimatea first tried the mighty tu how went first well tawhirimatea was crying in the crener so my brother tu heaved a pushed but could not do it as i looked at him after sweat was dripping of him like a hole ocean. then it was tangaroa turn whit his mighty tail he pushed as hard as he could but could not do it then it was my turn ahhhhhhh i could not do it then i had an idea i lied down put my feet up and pushed my dad right in to the sky the end.


  1. kia ora Mona I liked it how you put you in the story I think as Tawhirimatea. it rellay looked like you were trying to stop them pulling Rangnui and Papaatuankuk apart. I think you should make a part two about how Tawhirimarea (you) made matariki! blog you later!

  2. ok ina thaks for the coment
